City of Victoria Park urged to back Swansea Street Markets redevelopment

The Swansea Street Markets in Victoria Park may soon be getting a facelift, with a developer planning to keep the much-loved grocer’s shop but build up four levels to make room for apartment living.

Landowner Niche Living plans to build three tower blocks at 176 and 178 Swansea Street in East Victoria Park, one block including the ground floor markets and each four to five levels high.

But the market revamp depends on a council’s decision to repurpose the current industrial site into a commercial.


Victoria Park

The repurposing would allow for a wider range of non-residential uses on the property and residential construction.

A report from the city said that while agents supported the renovation of the site, it was “premature” to support the redevelopment before the district’s planning work was completed.

“The district planning must take place first to determine the appropriate land use and build the shape holistically for the entire district,” the report said.

“The site redevelopment in the form indicated in the draft plans may be considered an appropriate outcome for the site and area, but this is uncertain until the required area planning is completed.”

Speaking on behalf of the advocates at a briefing session last week, Planning Solutions director Paul Kotsoglo pleaded with councilors to consider the matter on “common sense”.

“If this project doesn’t go ahead, you’ll see opportunities for the redevelopment to accommodate the current butcher, grocer, and deli as we’re proposing to vape,” he said.

“What would that mean? The project is not going ahead.

“If this building continues to deteriorate – and remember that our clients do not own the land – you could very well see the property deteriorate to the point where it can no longer continue to operate, and what will happen next is a scourge for planning.

“A plan damage will be at the expense of the entire area.”

Victoria Park MLA Hannah Beazley wondered why the city would consider forcing local businesses to continue trading from an end-of-life building.

“Failing to support the initiation of a rezoning application and allow appropriate development on the site poses a real risk to the businesses in the markets and to the amenities and services our community enjoys,” she said.

“The proposed mixed-use residential development will help meet the demand to live in the area, which will only grow when our Metronet project is complete, raising the rail line, creating more local amenities, and our new Oats Street train station. Yields.

“Precedents have been established that should not prevent the municipality from assessing the amendment on its merits.”

Mr. Kotsoglo said that redevelopment of the site would replace the “outdated building” with a brand new facility.

According to a report by Planning Solutions, the site is experiencing issues that “threaten its continued viability.”

“The existing buildings are more than 50 years old and are reaching the end of their economic life due to rising maintenance costs,” the report said.

“In addition, the age of the building and the lack of space prevents the expansion of the retail space or the adaptation of the existing lease to provide modern and comprehensive facilities that meet customers’ current expectations.

“Notably, the building cannot accommodate a specialty bakery to complement the butcher and grocery departments of the existing markets.”

Niche Living development manager Mike Pound said revitalizing the site was the landowner’s main goal.

“We aim to revitalize the site to ensure the iconic Swansea Street Markets can continue to provide local products and services to the Victoria Park community,” he said.

A Planning Solutions report said proponents planned to allow for the “preservation and continued trading of the Swansea Street Markets” during the redevelopment.

The City Council will vote on this on May 17.

John D.Mayne
I love to write. When I wasn’t writing for my school newspaper or college blog, I was writing personal essays and journal entries. Then I discovered I loved to write. In college, I wrote for my school paper and my campus radio show. I started doing freelance writing for the Huffington Post in 2009. Then, I joined the team at Newsmyth as a writer/editor. Now, I spend most of my time writing for Newsmyth and as a guest blogger on a handful of other blogs. When I’m not writing, I like to read, travel, cook, and spend time with friends.