Perth family launches My Street app for WA to get ice cream bus delivery on demand

It started on a sunny January afternoon when two boys and their father waited patiently for ice cream on the Street outside their house in Girrawheen.

Money in hand, 12-year-old Daniel and nine-year-old Aiden Bell heard the familiar jingle of the ice cream truck approaching, their mouths watering at the thought of enjoying a vanilla, flake, or even chocolate dip cone.

But to their disappointment, father Shane included, the Bell trio that day only saw the van drive right down their Street.

This was when a new idea was born to give all families across Perth access to ice cream trucks anytime, anywhere.


“I remember saying, I wish there were a way to have the ice cream truck come straight to our street, and that’s how it started,” Aiden told PerthNow.

ice cream

Camera IconShane, Daniel Bell, and Aiden Bell developed the My Street to bring food trucks directly to customers. Credit: Michael Wilson/The West Australian

“The three of us sat in the lounge that evening and wrote down all our ideas for the app in a book, including a big button that read ‘come to my street’.

“A year later, our idea has come to life, and I’m really happy that other people love it and that kids can get an ice cream and don’t miss a thing.”

My Street, officially launched two weeks ago, is a free two-part app on the Google Store that allows customers to order ice cream, coffee, or food via delivery vans.

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A young boy spends a small fortune on Uber Eats ice cream.

A young boy spends a small fortune on Uber Eats ice cream.

With a handful of suppliers already signed up, customers can pre-set their location, whether a work or private home and select which van they prefer in the area, which the seller can access via their app on the message response.

Under the company name SDA (Shane, Daniel, and Aiden) Industries, the Bell trio sought help designing the app, which conforms to Aiden and Daniel’s exact specifications.

Shane noted that in the short time the app was available, all the feedback received online has been positive.

Camera Icon 12-year-old Daniel Bell and 9-year-old Aiden Bell have launched an app called ‘My Street’ where customers can order ice cream or food on demand, bringing a van to their home address for delivery. Also pictured is Cones n’ Coffee owner Heather Cole. Michael Wilson Credit: Michael Wilson/The West Australian

“It seemed like there were so many ice cream trucks around in the summer, but they didn’t go down every street,” Shane said.

“My Street can be used by many different people and families, including traditions on the job site or office staff having a birthday party.

“If anything comes out of this, whether it’s a million-dollar project or we make $100 off it, I just wanted to teach my boys that everything in life is worth trying.

“If it happens, it happens; if it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, but at least we’ve tried and helped small businesses across Perth.”

The logo for the app, an ice cream cone, was designed by Daniel and featured the trio’s favorite ice cream flavors: strawberry, vanilla, and spearmint.

The Bell trio is now seeking private investment to grow the My Street app,includinge more vendors and its availability in the Apple Store.

John D.Mayne
I love to write. When I wasn’t writing for my school newspaper or college blog, I was writing personal essays and journal entries. Then I discovered I loved to write. In college, I wrote for my school paper and my campus radio show. I started doing freelance writing for the Huffington Post in 2009. Then, I joined the team at Newsmyth as a writer/editor. Now, I spend most of my time writing for Newsmyth and as a guest blogger on a handful of other blogs. When I’m not writing, I like to read, travel, cook, and spend time with friends.